I've been creating videos for sometime now and every once in awhile I get a video that won't work after I've created into the Dream Format. I could create two dreams the same way and one will work and the other will not... am I missing something?
Just today I created a new FracTal the same way I created one day before, the one I've been waiting to post up does not work after I change the format to the Dream format. Both of the Fractals were created by static images and brought into Video Wave and saved the same way or at least they appear to be saving the same way, I choose the format, name the file and press save... most work but it seems no matter what I do to some they just will not work as a Dream file.
What happens after I save the file in the Dream format using the Dream making tool, when I go to apply it with the Configure Deskscapes the program crashes and will not let me choose that file with out crashing, the original file works fine when I set it to my Desktop wallpaper in the WMV format or the MPEG format but will not work after it has been ran in the DreamMaker tool.