This is a personal site, I have lots of information on this site for useful things. I also have a chords and lyrics area on my site with many songs from the 70's and 80's light rock.
Same format video created the same way
Published on April 7, 2012 By AllDoneHere In Animated Wallpapers

I've been creating videos for sometime now and every once in awhile I get a video that won't work after I've created into the Dream Format.  I could create two dreams the same way and one will work and the other will not... am I missing something?


Just today I created a new FracTal the same way I created one day before, the one I've been waiting to post up does not work after I change the format to the Dream format.  Both of the Fractals were created by static images and brought into Video Wave and saved the same way or at least they appear to be saving the same way, I choose the format, name the file and press save... most work but it seems no matter what I do to some they just will not work as a Dream file.


What happens after I save the file in the Dream format using the Dream making tool, when I go to apply it with the Configure Deskscapes the program crashes and will not let me choose that file with out crashing, the original file works fine when I set it to my Desktop wallpaper in the WMV format or the MPEG format but will not work after it has been ran in the DreamMaker tool.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 11, 2012

It's funny but when I posted this question I had 14 Karma... now I have none?  Does that mean I'm dead?


I am still having problems with creating dreams... my videos all work as Dreams, but when I use the Dream making tool they don't work... is there an update I am unaware of?

on Apr 11, 2012

And now... it's (my karma) is back again???!  Strange, very strange.  

on Apr 11, 2012

Could have something to do with the codecs installed/not installed.


on Apr 11, 2012

I was having this problem since last weekend, I updated my Codecs this morning with K-Lite full install for 64 bit and I also re-set and deleted my old settings during this time.  


I have 0 problems with any of my videos running as a mpg or as a wmv, but once I use the dream maker the videos crash the Deskscapes program even though those very same files work just fine as a mpeg or wmv and can be applied using the Deskscapes program with no issues.


I've been uploading my Dream files as mpeg and wmv files on my YouTube site because of this problem.


My youtube site is -


I'd rather be posting them here, but mpeg and wmv files are not accepted.

on Apr 12, 2012

Codec packs tend to cause issues with Deskscapes.  Check out the guide here to see if one of the pack codecs is interfering:

on Apr 12, 2012

I read the article that you posted a link to, I downloaded the program called InstalledCodec and it shows that my Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder for Windows 7 is Not Disabled and the installed codec date is 7/14/2009 1:53:38 AM and the last modified time is - 11/21/2010 12:25:14 AM...  2 years ago, so it's not a recent change to my MPEG-2 Codec.

I am able to run Dream Files, I am able to download and run all the .dream files with no problem, but when I create a dream with the Dream making tool the files that are produced do not work.

I appreciate the article but I don't think this is the issue.


Thanks Rosco

on Apr 12, 2012

to find again

on Apr 12, 2012

Can you upload the two source videos somewhere so we can look at them?

on Apr 12, 2012

You can try anyone of my files off of youtube - , choose a recent one, any of the last 10 to 15 files.

on Apr 12, 2012

I do thank everyone who is trying to help    with this problem.

on Apr 12, 2012

You can try anyone of my files off of youtube - , choose a recent one, any of the last 10 to 15 files.
 Those are not the source files . . those are flash movies that were presumably converted from the source.

on Apr 12, 2012

If you use Freemake Video Downloader you can choose the type of file you want to download, it gives you the choice of flv, mpeg, avi and so on.

I've been downloading this way for quite awhile and I have used the files this way to create dreams in the past.

on Apr 12, 2012

If you use Freemake Video Downloader you can choose the type of file you want to download, it gives you the choice of flv, mpeg, avi and so on.
That takes the FLV file and converts it into yet another  format . . .

You see where this is going?  

on Apr 12, 2012

I hear what you are saying...


I've been creating dreams this way for the last 5 years or more...  These are not the files that are causing the problem.


The files I create are from single frame images created in a Fractal program, I take the individual files into Video Wave, make each frame .33 seconds long and a fast fade between the frames.  The Dream (Gold Star Fractal) was created this way... it works, it is located on the Wincustomize site.  I do not believe I am doing anything different that I did when I created this dream (Gold Star Fractal).

The dreams I've been trying to create since are not working.

I can take a video and cut it up and make a dream out of it, I've also made many dreams out of one image to many images.  It's been since the weekend that DreamMaker Tool creates a Dud when I run the program to create the Dream.  The original video file (a mpeg or a wmv) works fine when using Deskscapes to apply the video as a Dream, it's only after I run the DreamMaker tool to convert the video to the .dream format that it does not work in Deskscapes.  

Deskscapes works fine, Dream files work just fine, but any new dreams I create with the dreammakeing tool do not work even though they work just fine in the original format as a deskscape.

I re-installed deskscapes and it did not make any difference... oh and I rebooted since.

on Apr 12, 2012

I just re-created a Dream that I had created a while ago as a test dream and it works, I did not have any problems running it or applying it.  So it does not appear to be a a problem with the DreamMaker tool.  I used an mpeg file for the test.


So it's got something to do with the way I am creating the video file.  I have been saving as both Mpeg and Wmv files and these do not appear to work.  I thought it might be the image file format but I've used - bmp, jpg and png formats and it does not appear to make a difference.


Looks like it's back to the drawing board.

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