This is a personal site, I have lots of information on this site for useful things. I also have a chords and lyrics area on my site with many songs from the 70's and 80's light rock.
Problems seem fixed.
Published on April 10, 2010 By AllDoneHere In Animated Wallpapers

After having a couple of my purchased dreams not working I contacted support at stardock and they gave me two different things to try.  1 - was to run a batch file that reset my dreams and deskscape, and 2 - was they had me re-install Impulse.  I believe it was when I re-installed Impulse that things seemed to start working... in the process I also downloaded Deskscape 3.1 and Voila it worked!  I am now able to have dynamic different dreams on my monitors.

I was having a lot of problems with my computer crashing after installing deskscape 3.1, (this was my 4'th install) out of the blue my system would re-boot itself, but it looks like the problem has been resolved by re-installing Impulse and re-setting my dreams.

Excellent news...   


on Apr 22, 2010

happy to know bout you can go to the Dream gallery to download some new ones

on Apr 22, 2010

What's really kewl is the way you can stretch one video across two screens, I like the World Flag, Old World Flag, and most of all any of the Space dreams... all are Very Kewl! 

It's neat how you can run different dreams on each screen as well... 

Since I ran the batch file that was sent to me, which reset deskscapes so I had to enter my Key, I also re-installed Impulse and only once since I installed it have I had any kind of a problem, and that was only because I hadn't rebooted in between, no other problems.