This is a personal site, I have lots of information on this site for useful things. I also have a chords and lyrics area on my site with many songs from the 70's and 80's light rock.
Windows Vista Ultimate
Published on October 21, 2009 By AllDoneHere In DeskScapes

Since installing the Fallowing version of Deskscapes:

Deskscapes appears to be activated on this PC
Deskscapes engine appears to be running
(LG W2052(Digital)) 1 is attached to Radeon X1300/X1550 Series
(Generic PnP Monitor) 2 is attached to Radeon X1300/X1550 Series

Deskscape.dll                  2009/10/07 16:28:22
Deskscapes.dll                   2009/10/07 16:28:06
DreamControl32.dll                 2009/10/07 16:35:28
DeskscapesConfig.exe                  2009/10/08 16:30:56
UI\Deskscape.dll                2009/10/07 16:35:53
UI\DeskscapesVideo.dll         2009/10/07 16:35:54
DreamTasks.exe                   2009/10/08 16:30:57
DeskscapesVideo.dll              2008/02/01 14:52:54

I've had a few problems... namely out of no where... CRASH, system hangs or simply reboots with 0 notification!  Out of the blue Reboot.

I tried to uninstall it and return to the version that seemed to be working but it was no use... it would not let me do that.  So, I'm going to try a Restore point and see if I can get back to where I started before I installed this version. 

I liked the new added tools... just didn't like getting the Reboot thing.

on Oct 21, 2009

Which OS are you using and when do these reboots happen?

on Oct 29, 2009


Can you please post your DxDiag results here.  Just click Start, Run and type DXDIAG.  Save to a file, the open the file and paste the results here.

